The Earth Today...
- The 20th century was the WARMEST century of the last 1,000 years. And the 1990s was the warmest decade on record.
- As the Earth warms, temperature changes are anticipated to be greater in the North. And greater in Winter than in Summer.
- Even if emissions of greenhouse gases were to stop immediately, earlier emissions would continue to affect climate for centuries to come.
- By 2050, solar photovoltaic (pv) could generate enough solar energy to satisfy 21% of the world's electricity needs.
- Recycling just one glass bottle saves enough energy to keep a 100-Watt light bulb lit for 4 hours.
- The amount of wood and paper we throw away is enough to heat 50 million homes for 20 years.
- It takes 90% less energy to recycle aluminium cans than to make new ones.
- It takes 500 years for plastics and aluminium canes to break down.
- 84% of a typical household's waste can be recycled.
- The process of bottling water is water intensive. It takes 3 litres of water just to produce 1 litre of bottled water.
- More than a million living species worldwide could be driven to extinction due to the destruction of habitats.
- Over the 20th century, sea levels rose between 10 and 20 centimetres. With only a 1-metre sea level rise, some island nations, such as the maldives, would be submerged.
This is something from the poster my sister stick it to the fridge. So i just wanna share it with all of you. :)
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